Reflections 2020 w16

Well the lock down continues, and so does the daily routine, except a friend has had time off work, so we have played online. I had however forgotten how he like to collect in game tat on co op missions.

Now I will do the tasks and hunt for treasures that unlock in came advancements, but I cannot be bothered with the find 20 this to get a picture (not usable in game), but he is. Soooo, we have just spent over an hour searching for a secret missed on a level, with no use for the item when found. Personally one thinks it is just an end boss delay tactic. But we are socialising, and that is the main thing. We rarely get to do that normally.

On a random note…

I wonder what a tortoise thinks when you pick them up to move them, or even when they get lifted into/out of a box? Are they scared, or confused? Do they pray to their deity? Or are the usually slow(ish) movers thrill seekers getting a rush when it happens? Longing for the next time.


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